Thursday, October 18, 2007

Finnish Disco Dancing

This is the video I watched to get some moves before the job began. SO HOT!!!


Michael Motor-Cyclorama said...

Don't forget to try out the steps yourself..see how groovy u can be!!

Tokyo Tintin said...

Hahahaha! Loves it! I especially like how the guys is all "venäjää ennen itsenäistymistään disco dancing vuonna väestöstä ja ruotsin disco music."

Tokyo Tintin said...

Ugh, don't tell me I have to round up your grandmother again to shame you into writing another new blog post!?

Tokyo Tintin said...

Well, it's clear you have forsaken your readers and are no longer interested in keeping us informed of your fabulous and exotic life. The least you could do is answer my little poll.


Tokyo Tintin said...

aaaagh! write a new post will ya!!!

Tokyo Tintin said...


Tokyo Tintin said...

Où est le blogue Michel?

Il faut faire des efforts tu sais!

Generally, for a blog to be effective, one should update it more than once every 300 years.
