So, after my crazy adventure into Singapore I have now visited quaint yet sleazy Macau and bustling and shopping crazy Hong Kong. I must disclose first that I, at the point of my departure, felt very uneasy about going (the lost luggage actually still not showing up, the being at res for one day and sleeping with ants, the fact that my classes are still not finalized) BUT I am so glad that I went. I arrived into Macau and had, of course, another blast of heat slap me in the face and say "you're crazy you foolish Canadian, put on some shorts and get inside." Macau is beautiful and seedy all at the same time. I mean, anywhere that has gambling as its main source of entertainment is seedy and kind of sad. Also though...beautiful. There were points when I really could not tell if I was in Portugal or China.
(not a village in Portugal...Macau)
So, after playing a few slots at Wynn Casino we realized that no one was drinking..no one. Why would you not when every price you see can be divided by 7 to get the Canadian price??? The highlight of Wynn was by far the fountain and light show. A series of choreographed water jets spraying and blasting to the tune of Shirley Bassey's Remix of Goldfinger. SSSSssssssssizzling!
Next to Sands Resort and Casino! So much better. Three floors of gambling goodness, great Chinese food and a show featuring "Blue Jupiter" from the USA. I wonder if they have a website. An a capella band that was, well, lacklustre at best. I think I should market a show to Sands and be there for awhile. The day ahead brought us to the ruins of St. Paul's and the fort which was alongside it. I love feeling like I have stepped into the 16th century. Pretty crazy that the facade of the church had stood for close to 500 years. They don't build things like they used to.
Total Canadian spent gambling $100
Total Canadian lost gambling $100

So in Hong Kong it became very clear that shopping is very important for everyone. Tourists and locals alike. I guess maybe it's because they want money and lots of it. Similar to what I saw in Dubai, building and construction is massive there. I did not see one, single detached house. Every apartment was at least 30 floors tall. The MTR puts the ttc to shame even more than London's tube. So clean, quick, messages to tell you when the next train is arriving. I will murder the TTC when I move back home. The highlight of my time in Hing Kong was visiting the Big Bronze Buddha. There, was the first place I truly felt a sense of calm since leaving Toronto less than 2 weeks ago. The size of this thing was insane and remarkable. Also, the walk of wisdom which layed out, in Chinese of course, the foundation of Buddhist faith was filled with windy trails and scenic views that over looked the ocean. I was overcome to be honest. Filled with emotion, I almost cried. Yet, being there, I had the sense that all will be fine and I am over here and it is fantastic.
Good luck with the start of classes lah!
hi from brampton great to see you're having a great adventure already. don't forget why you,re there.keep in touch.bye for now
More! More! More!
What is going on over there?
We need information, STAT!
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