Wednesday, June 20, 2007

"Karaoke?" "yes?" "You are truly, the Bee's Knee's"

I just wanted to write a post to pay respect to something which has been a part of my life for a long time, and will remain in my life in Singapore. YEAH!!!

I must begin by saying that my biggest, unrealistic dream heading out to Good Ole Singapore is to become really big on the Karaoke scene. From there I can make my mark in some bars. Before too long, I will have a recording contract. FAMOUS IN ASIA!!!

Anyways, singing Karaoke began for me around the age of 5 when I hogged a microphone and wouldn't let my sister or brother sing into it. There is a picture where my brother is crying in reaction to this. It then had a brief hiatus and returned in my teens when I would sing "Summer Nights" from Grease with a girl named Faith who later auditioned for Canadian Idol and made top 100. (GO FAITH!!!) Now this was in small town Simcoe, but I was destined for more when I came face to face with Karaoke at Crews/Tango on Church Street.

This was at a time that I was addicted to Sarah McLachlan, and really liked to wear Value Village clothes; some really gay clothing as well. I would try my luck with Sarah's "Possession" or "Angel" Not usually crowd pleasing. Debbie Downer in fact.

Oh I could go on but, really, let me just say that I would wait at the Gladstone for three hours for a chance to sing up there. Even if no one is left in the bar to hear me. I would make friends wait for three hours until it is my turn to sing...and have done so in the past.

Three Cheers for Karaoke



HIP.....replacement surgery I fell down and hurt myself because I was so excited about.....




Anonymous said...

excellent mika last night!

i cannot believe it has taken us this long to have a truly raucous karaoke night.

Tokyo Tintin said...

I think you should totally tonya harding Mika and steal back your career from him.

Anonymous said...

hey! are you still in toronto?
add us if you want