Once there was ICQ
Then there was hotmail too
Then Friendster came and changed the scene
The commitment to Myspace is vulgar and mean
Enter Facebook.com:
F un
A ble to connect
C atch up with old friends
E asy and user friendly
B latantly addictive
O bviously better than Friendster
O h the joys of "poking" others
K ind to trees becasue it's online
I have a problem. I have revently found myself checking facebook all of the time. Is checking a friend database 5 times a day too many times? YES IT IS! I have decided that I need to practice self-restraint. I just need to always see what people are up to. Oh so and so added new photos..what of? Oh yeah, I wonder what Mr.______ is doing today. I know that I am not alone in this addiction. I am shocked when a day goes by that I don't hear the word "facebook" come out of someone's mouth into my ears giving me a sensation of glee and reassurance. I actually have not uploaded any picutres of myself but, there are over 40 pictures of me on the site. Okay, that sounds a little creepy but there is a funny grade 7 of me up there.
That's all I can say about it really. I am addicted and it is fun. I refuse to feel bad for checking the site and I am not going to stop checking it.
Facebook Facebook
It's our site
This site can do it
With all of its might
I can't believe that you love Facebook so much you wrote a poem about it.
(Now is the poem an ode, or would you say it's more of a sonnet?)
Dan, the poem is neither ode nor sonnet. They are rather a free lyrical style poem..also the one that spells facebook has a name that I don't recall. SPRING SPRING SPRING!!!
Time for an update micheal. What is new an exciting in the land of mister motorcycle?
and speaking of motorcycle, i haven't seen you sporting that grey leather jacket nearly half as much as i would like.
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