Saturday, July 28, 2007

All My Bags Are Packed, I'm Ready to Go!

Well...In officially one day, I shall be outta here. Thanks to all for making the party last night so much fun. I can't wait to have the craziness begin.





Tokyo Tintin said...

As I write this you are likely flying over northern Iceland at the moment, so I hope you look down at the hot guys cavorting on the tundra.

I am so excited for you. You are going to have a 1000% amazing time!

What did you get up to in London?

Unknown said...

oooooh!! this is sooo exciting! I can remember that un-real feeling, and grinning madly to myself at the ridiculousness of it all. Have the time of your LIFE!!! Remember that I love you, and you can call anytime (well, if you can afford it). Please send around your mailing address and I'll be sure to send you some comforts from home.

love love love

Michelle Roxanne

Michael Motor-Cyclorama said...

Well, I got up to a lot in London. I saw everything one would expect one to see....See blog post for more details.

Tokyo Tintin said...

Glad to know you finally made it!